Can Emotional Abuse Lead to PTSD?
PTSD is often associated with military combat, but this condition can develop from emotional abuse. Learn the signs and how to find healing.
Survivor's Guilt: A Symptom of PTSD
Survivor’s guilt is a component of PTSD and can initially be hard to spot. Learn about the signs of survivor’s guilt, how to cope, and how to heal from trauma.
How Is Trauma Linked to Addiction?
For many who experience a trauma, the shock and hurt dissipates with time. Others, however, may turn to substances and develop addictions.
PTSD: What You Need to Know
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects over 24.4 million Americans. Learn what can cause it, how to recognize the symptoms, and how you can help someone who is struggling.
Women and Trauma: A Pathway to Addiction
It is estimated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse that as many as 80 percent of women who are currently seeking treatment for addiction have a history of trauma. This number is only based on women that are seeking treatment, and of those women, those who report it – the number could very easily be higher than 80 percent.