

What are the latest studies and researchers saying about addiction and substance abuse disorder? Learn more about breaking medical news and the science behind addiction.

How Many College Students Misuse ADHD Medications?

ADHD in college students is prevalent, but so is ADHD medication misuse. Learn about this disturbing growing trend and what signs to look for.

How Does Addiction Affect the Brain?

Addiction affects the brain in many ways, but the good news is brain neuroplasticity can help reverse the effects. Learn more about the addicted brain here.

Binge Drinking During Pregnancy: Harmful Before & After Conception

Binge drinking during pregnancy is not just harmful to the fetus – it can also harm you both before conception. Learn how binge drinking is destructive to the body.

What Doctors Are Doing About the Opioid Epidemic

The opioid epidemic and crisis keeps getting worse – but what are doctors doing about the problem? Learn how new guidelines are cracking down on prescription abuse.

Why Do Some People Become Addicted While Others Don’t?

Ever wondered why one person can try drugs and be seemingly unaffected while another can become hooked after just one use?

Dealing with Opioid and Heroin Cravings

Opioid and heroin cravings can be challenging to overcome but with the right support, you can learn to live a fulfilling life in recovery.

Can Binge Drinking Lead to Liver Disease?

Heavy drinking has many effects on the body. Explore the link between binge drinking and liver disease and what you can do.

How to Reduce Alcohol Cravings

Are you having urges to drink? Learn how to manage or reduce alcohol cravings by following these coping strategies.

Fentanyl 101: What You Need to Know

Fentanyl is one of the most powerful and deadly substances of the opioid class and has been linked to numerous fatal overdoses in recent years. Read on to learn more about fentanyl addiction, the side effects of fentanyl, and the possibility of a fentanyl overdose.

Hangover Anxiety: What is “Hangxiety” and How to Get Rid of it

Ever feel a sense of dread or worry after a night of drinking? The culprit: hangxiety. Learn why it happens and how to stop it.

Exploring Ketamine's Potential Benefits and its Consequences

Although ketamine has helped treat mental health disorders like depression and PTSD, the drug has a high risk of abuse and negative side effects. Check out the full story.

Teen Marijuana Use: Psychosis, Hospital Visits, and More

Marijuana is more socially acceptable than ever, but what impact is that having on teen marijuana use? Learn everything you need to know about the impact marijuana has on teens.

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