Mental Health

Mental health plays an important role in addiction treatment and recovery. Professional mental health services, psychotherapy, self-care, and socialization are all important qualities to seek out while pursing sobriety.
Mental Health

How to Handle Holiday Stress

As the end of the year approaches, many people are consumed with holiday preparations. Whether that is baking cookies or hosting a large gathering, the holidays can be both mentally […]
Mental Health

Bad Habits: How They Develop and How to Break Them

We all have annoying habits that disrupt our daily lives. Breaking them is easier said than done. Discover what you need to stop bad habits for good.
Mental Health

Ask a Wellness Expert: The Importance of Self-Care in Addiction Recovery

Learning how to practice self-care can keep you grounded and ease stress. Read about self-care examples from a mental health professional.
Mental Health

Being a Highly Sensitive Person Does Not Equal a Weak One

If you’re a highly sensitive person, that could be seen as weak—but that’s not true. HSPs process information differently. Find out more.

How Is Trauma Linked to Addiction?

For many who experience a trauma, the shock and hurt dissipates with time. Others, however, may turn to substances and develop addictions.
Addiction Treatment

How to Find the "Right" Therapist

Reaching out for help is sometimes the hardest part. Finding the right therapist for you is actually simple once you break it down into steps
Family Wellness

How Are Children Impacted by Growing Up with Alcoholic Parents?

Having an alcoholic parent puts children at higher risk of developing addiction and mental health issues in the future; learn how to thrive in adulthood.

Boundaries in Recovery: What They Are, How to Set Them, and Why You Need Them

Setting boundaries is essential in addiction recovery not just for the family, but the person with the substance use disorder themselves. Here's why.
Mental Health

Toxic Positivity: The Problem with Constantly Searching for the Silver Lining

Here's why "looking on the bright side" can become damaging to your emotional well-being and harm relationships.

Stress Drinking is Ultimately Costing You

Deal with your emotions and stress in healthy ways instead of reaching for a drink. There are many health issues that develop from chronic drinking, particularly for the liver.
Mental Health

What Are Co-Occurring Disorders?

Co-occurring disorders, also referred to as comorbidity, occur when a person has a substance use disorder and another mental health issue.

Mental Health Experts Share How They Strengthen Their Own Mental Health

Want to start prioritizing your mental health but don't know where to start? Find out how Mountainside's mental health experts are taking care of their mental well-being.