
Stress is a serious trigger for those who struggle with addiction. Learn about healthy coping mechanisms and ways you can manage.
Drug Addiction

Tips For Smoothly Attending a Holiday Party While in Recovery

Holiday parties can bring extra stress for people in recovery. Learn tips to plan ahead, minimize the risk of relapse, and remain committed to sobriety during the festivities.
Mental Health

Toxic Positivity: The Problem with Constantly Searching for the Silver Lining

Here's why "looking on the bright side" can become damaging to your emotional well-being and harm relationships.

Stress Drinking is Ultimately Costing You

Deal with your emotions and stress in healthy ways instead of reaching for a drink. There are many health issues that develop from chronic drinking, particularly for the liver.

How to Manage Holiday Stress

Are you overwhelmed with holiday stress? Make this season enjoyable and find out how to manage your stress effectively.
Mental Health

The Effects of Stress on the Body

While experiencing stress is normal, too much stress can have a detrimental effect on your health. Learn how stress can impact your physical and emotional health.

Managing Stress in Recovery

Stress can be a huge contributor to relapse. Learn how to deal with stress effectively and strengthen your recovery.
Mental Health

10 Unexpected Ways to Reduce Stress Right Now

Listening to music, taking a walk, and journaling are the obvious methods. Discover a few other ways to reduce stress.

De-stress Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality

Feeling overwhelmed, tired, and tense? Find out how you can say goodbye to stress and hello to relaxation — based on your personality.

How to Break the Vicious Cycle of Stress and Alcoholism

Stress does not mix well with alcohol, but many anxious people drink anyway. Learn how stress drinking can lead to alcoholism.
Mental Health

The Stress Loop

For those in recovery, stress can build easily. Use these suggestions for managing The Stress Loop so you can lead the sober and healthy life you deserve.
Family Wellness

How the Pressure to Succeed Is Putting America’s Youth at Risk

A recent study found that teens from wealthier backgrounds are more likely to turn to drugs and alcohol. Learn how class status and addiction are linked.

How Nature Helps Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Not only is nature a beautiful escape from everyday reality but it can have life changing effects, particularly on those recovering from substance abuse.