Mental Health

Mental health plays an important role in addiction treatment and recovery. Learn the reason why and gain tips for better mental health.


The Stress Loop

For those in recovery, stress can build easily. Use these suggestions for managing The Stress Loop so you can lead the sober and healthy life you deserve.

Gambling Addiction on the Rise

One of the reasons why gambling is so dangerous is because it often goes unnoticed. Gamblers are experts at keeping their addiction a secret.

Top 5 Goals for Improving Mental Health in the New Year

New Year’s is the perfect time to set goals that strengthen your mental and physical health. Explore these tips to have sober fun during the upcoming year.

5 Ways to Calm Down When Feeling Anxious

Anxiety disorders are incredibly prominent. Luckily, they can be managed. Learn how to treat your anxiety while strengthening your recovery.

Anxiety and Negative Self-Talk: How to Cope with Your Inner Critic

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety affects over 40 million people age 18 or older in the United States, over 18 percent of the population. And the interesting thing about anxiety is that, well, the worse it gets, the worse it gets.

TED Talk: Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid

Emotional wounds are equally as damaging as physical ones, but many do not value mental health as highly. Learn how to start practicing "emotional hygiene."